Photo of Vitali Dudarenka Belarus
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11.42 x 16.54 in
Net Art/Digital Art
11.42 x 16.54 in
Net Art/Digital Art
16.54 x 11.42 in
Net Art/Digital Art
16.54 x 11.42 in
Net Art/Digital Art
16.54 x 11.42 in
Net Art/Digital Art
16.54 x 11.42 in

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My name is Dudarenko Vitaly.

He studied at the Minsk Art School,

In Belarusian Academy of Arts.

Every day I persistently do exactly the work that I like most - the book. I believe that the book is not only a beautiful picture placed on the page - it is a much more complex organism with its structure from layout to font.

I created illustrations for over 200 books and magazines.

I am a participant of 8 Republican exhibitions of the book illustration ?The Artist and the Book?, 10 international exhibitions - competitions of book illustrators in different countries of the world.

I have two diplomas of the competition ?Artist and Book? in 2001 and in 2005 (?Magic butterfly?). In 2014, he was awarded the Vasil Vitki Medal for illustrations for the children's magazine «Vyaselka».

I am sure that my best illustrations are still ahead.

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